Picture a Chinese restaurant. People come in one at a time, and decide where to sit. The first person picks a table. Everyone afterwards picks a table according to how many people are currently at each table - popular tables continue to gain popularity.
The probability of picking a particular occupied table is
The probability of picking an empty table is
Let’s walk through a short example:
Bob walks in, sits at table 1. Jim walks in; what table does he sit at? According to our equations, $$p(\text{sit with Bob}) = \frac{1}{2}$$ $$p(\text{sit at a new table}) = \frac{1}{2}$$ Let's say he sits at a new table, and Cameron walks in. $$p(\text{sit with Bob}) = \frac{1}{3}$$ $$p(\text{sit with Jim}) = \frac{1}{3}$$ $$p(\text{sit at a new table}) = \frac{1}{3}$$ He sits with Jim. Shauna walks in. $$p(\text{sit with Bob}) = \frac{1}{4}$$ $$p(\text{sit with Jim and Cameron}) = \frac{2}{4}$$ $$p(\text{sit at a new table}) = \frac{1}{4}$$
Now let's take a look at a simulation using [Church](https://probmods.org/index.html):
(define (seating-probabilities seating-arrangement)
(let ((total-seated (sum seating-arrangement)))
(map (lambda (people-seated)
(if (eq? people-seated 0)
(/ 1 (+ total-seated 1))
(/ people-seated (+ total-seated 1))))
(define (ensure-empty-table seating-arrangement)
(if (member 0 seating-arrangement)
(pair 0 seating-arrangement))
(define (seat-person seating-arrangement)
(let* ((table-numbers (range 0 (- (length seating-arrangement) 1)))
(chosen-seat (multinomial table-numbers
(seating-probabilities seating-arrangement)))
(new-arrangement (update-list seating-arrangement
(+ 1 (list-ref seating-arrangement
(ensure-empty-table new-arrangement)))
(define (seat-people-inner number-of-people-waiting seating-arrangement)
(if (eq? number-of-people-waiting 0)
(seat-people-inner (- number-of-people-waiting 1)
(seat-person seating-arrangement))))
(define (seat-people number-of-people)
(seat-people-inner number-of-people (list 0)))
(define samples
500 1
(define final-arrangement (seat-people 50))
(length final-arrangement)
(hist samples "number of tables")
This program is asking the question, "How many tables are there when you seat 50 people?". It will then simulate it 500 times. Running that code produces something like this:
You could ask other questions like, "What is the chance that no one sits with the first person?"
(define samples
500 1
(define final-arrangement (seat-people 50))
(eq? (last final-arrangement) 1)
(hist samples "no one sat with the first person")
"How many people are sitting alone, given that there is a table with 8 people on it?"
(define (sample)
(define final-arrangement (seat-people 50))
(length (filter (lambda (table-count) (eq? table-count 1)) final-arrangement))
(member 8 final-arrangement)))
(define samples (repeat 500 sample))
(hist samples "# sitting alone, >= one table with 8 people")
`rejection-query` will draw a sample and toss it if it doesn't fit the condition.